Greetings Redwood Trails Alliance supporters and partners!
I am excited to announce the launch of our Bring Back Boggs bike giveaway!
Redwood Trails Alliance has teamed up with Trail House Santa Rosa to support more trails and better trails in Boggs and beyond!
Trail House of Santa Rosa donated a Specialized Stumpjumper Expert mountain bike worth $5,900 to raise funds towards reconstructing trails in Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest.
Our trail team is currently working on Bear Bones trail with Boggs Peak trail next in line and an estimated completion of both trails coming up on March 3rd. Supporting the Bring Back Boggs campaign will support construction of these two trails and more throughout 2022. Funds will also support community volunteer days with the first one being February 26th. Event sign up will open soon with limited space.
We are working in partnership with Friends of Boggs Mountain to continue rebuilding the well-loved 22-mile trail system lost during post wildfire cleanup after the 2015 Valley Fire. We are even more excited to build trails to support bringing back much anticipated events in May of 2022 such as Bike Monkey's Boggs Race and the Norcal Interscholastic Cycling League state championship race and Adventure Day to support the close of their 2022 season.
We all know the impacts of wildfires across Napa, Lake and Sonoma counties. We have a lot of work to do to help our partnering land managers bring trails back for our community of users to enjoy, and we have a long way to go to get to the finish line.
I am even more excited to announce support from Lake County District 5 Supervisor, Jessica Pyska, who dedicated $25,000 in funding towards our Bring Back Boggs campaign and a donation of $15,000 from Calpine Corporation.
You don't have to be an MTB user to support our campaign! You don't have to ride to be a part of rebuilding trails. If you are the lucky winner of this exemplary bike and you don't ride you can sell it, donate it to a kid in need or whatever your heart desires. We will leave those details to you, but will happily help with any questions you have.
For more information on how to donate and support our Bring Back Boggs campaign click BRING BACK BOGGS.
Join us as we begin the 1st launch of many for our 2022 fundraisers to support multiple projects across Napa, Lake and Sonoma counties.
Thank you for joining us on our journey to bring you more trails and better trails!
Debbie St.Cyr, Executive Director