2018 AND BEYOND...

December 18, 2018 12:00 PM | Debbie St.Cyr (Administrator)

WHAT A YEAR!  We’re closing out 2018 with a bang while riding with giant grins right into 2019.  Your REMBA crew has been busy advocating for trail access, changes in trail use, building new trails, developing relationships with land managers in REMBA-Land, organizing operations and much more. 

What have we been doing?

We intensely researched membership software and found one that fits REMBAs needs for an all in one solution.  We found software that’ll allow you as the member to have access to your account for renewals, event signups, customizing communications so you receive only news you want and tracks your activity within the organization.  After the first of the year you’ll be receiving instructions on how to access your account and manage your membership.  We’ve been manually managing membership which hasn’t been time effective but served our purposes in the early days of starting a new organization.  Being an all-volunteer board, we need to maximize our time, so we can manage trail projects in all three counties.  Implementing this new membership software will allow us time to pursue our goals.

What we have in the works.

We’ve begun building 3 miles of new trail in Napa County in Moore Creek Park: Hennessey Unit. We’ve been working with Napa Open Space District, donors and members who’ve all put in the effort over the last year to get this project going and funded.  We’re excited to announce we’ve contracted with 4 REMBA trail builders and trail crews to go out and get their dig on.  Starting December 10th, we had a full crew out finalizing flagging, brush clearing and prepping to bring equipment in.  Starting the week of December 17th, we’ll have a mini excavator on-site to start the actual dig.  We had the absolute pleasure to work with and receive excellent advice from Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz who’ve proven to be exceptional partners.  We’re ecstatic to work with such talent and knowledge.  We’re stoked to have the opportunity to build new trail in REMBA-Land.

We now have a Trione Annadel State Park crew leader.  We have potential trail projects proposed and waiting on approvals.  We continually work with State Parks staff to encourage trail work within the park.  With the development of Friends of Trione Annadel State Park, we hope their willingness to be the liaison for work within the park with help streamline the project approval process.  This is ongoing and consistent communication work.  Our goal is to continue our partnership with State Parks, Sonoma County Trails Council and Trione Annadel State Park to assist in getting approval for Trail work the park desperately needs.

We’re also working on building our partnership with Sonoma County Regional Parks to seek potential new projects.  Stay tuned as we continue our advocacy work to get more trails added including trail repairs. 

We have a strong partnership with Friends of Boggs Mountain and we’re excited to support their efforts to rebuild the trails in BMDSF.  Recently FOBM let us know forest management received the CEQA needed to start trail work.  Stay tuned for details on volunteer trail work days.  It’s finally happening, and we’re so stoked to be involved with the post wildfire trail project.

REMBA continues to have a solid relationship with the Lake County Parks and Recreation Department where we’re in discussions on getting new trails built in Lake County.  They have a positive outlook regarding mountain biking and supporting outdoor recreation efforts to encourage the growth of our sport.

In 2018 we excitedly partnered with Pacific Union College Demonstration and Experimental Forest.  We’re working with forest management on trail projects currently being identified as necessary repairs and realignments.  We’re supporting their fire break project which begins January 2019 which will require necessary trail repairs and we’re happy to help them with that.

Membership appreciation for 2019.  This year you don’t want to miss out.  We’ve already been planning our yearly membership appreciation BBQ.  June 8, 2019 in Skyline Wilderness Park we’ll have an all-day event.  This year we’ll have activities, MTB rides and much more to have a family friendly atmosphere.  If you or you know anyone who’d like to sponsor or donate items for prizes, let us know.

Regrettably we announce, our former Chair and Co-founder Nick Nesbitt resigned from REMBA’s board.  We support Nick’s decision to take some time to focus on his family, work and coaching.  We miss his enthusiasm but support his decision and look forward to seeing him enjoying time on the trails he invested much of his efforts over the last few years.  Thank you, Nick!

REMBA’s all-volunteer board is comprised of a passionate group of volunteers with an eclectic range of talents, enthusiasm, expertise on all things advocacy and trail related and certainly no shortage of humor with this crew.  We have board openings we’re seeking to fill, and we always have volunteer opportunities.  We have plenty of projects, advocacy work, operational work and social media opportunities.  If you find yourself wanting to get involved, reach out we’d love your input and help.  Our board meetings are open so feel free to attend and experience how our work is completed.

Special thank you to the organizations who’ve supported us in varying ways.  We wouldn’t have our successes without your support, REI, Santa Cruz Bicycles, Kona Bikes, Trek Store Santa Rosa, Break Away Bikes, Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz, Bell Joy Ride of Santa Rosa, Girls Rock Santa Cruz, Trail House, Friends of Boggs Mountain, NorCal High School Cycling League, Sonoma County Trails Council, Skyline Wilderness Association,  AMBG, Napa Bicycle Coalition, Eagle Cycling Club, Sports Basement, Access 4 Bikes, Sonoma County Bicycle coalition, Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship, Bike Monkey, Specialized Bikes, private donors and many more.  Thank you for supporting local mountain biking.

We look forward to working with our biggest partner in the new year.  You!  Our membership is why we do what we do.  We’re grateful for your support and patience as we navigate 3 counties and the varying requirements of each agency we work with.  We look forward to hearing from you and what types of work you’d like to see REMBA  do on your behalf.  We’re humbly grateful.   


© Copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved

The Redwood Trails Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit with tax ID #94-2882416, and California General Contractors General Engineering Class A License #1068961.

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software